
The Coffee Drinking Diva is Tired

Blogging is not as easy as one might think…and perhaps I just need more coffee.

Okay, so it’s confession time. I have a day job. I work full-time, and my job has been very demanding lately. When you combine that with long days, a cute 6 year old that needs my attention, dogs that need treats and scratches during the day, a husband that I actually really enjoy spending time with, and food that must be ordered or cooked each night for dinner, oh, and some sleep…well, it doesn’t leave much time for blogging.

Hario V60 Pour Over Set
Hario V60 Olive Wood Pour Over Set

I figured I’d be putting out several blog posts a week, but I will admit that life isn’t working out that way. So, if you will please bear with me, I hope to be able to get back to a more regular publishing schedule. I have a ton of photos, thoughts, reviews, coffee experiences, anecdotes, and general stream of consciousness thoughts on life and coffee. It just takes time and dedication to edit said photos, put thoughts to computer, and stop being a perfectionist before I hit publish. I promise to do better.

I will leave you with this beautiful photo of a very thoughtful gift that my family gave me for Christmas. I have really been getting into the pour over thing and am perfecting my craft. More on that later. Until then, go get your caffeine on…I know I sure will.

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