• Ramblings

    What Your Coffee Drink of Choice Says About You

    Just had to share this today. As I was trying to convey this over the phone with my hubs, I found myself laughing too hard to speak clearly. Thinking on the fact that my last post was about cold brew made me especially giggly. I hope you enjoy it as…

  • Coffee Gear,  Ramblings,  Types of Coffee

    My Foray into Cold Brew

    I remember meeting one of my dear friends a few years ago at a Starbucks near her house (this was back before there were many independent options in the area where she lived). She is a teacher who subsists on a diet of caffeine and the drama of middle schoolers.…

  • Uncategorized

    Excited to announce my new blog

    Let’s give this blog thing a try My hope for this site is to share with you thoughts and experiences related to coffee, including reviews of coffee shops, brewing methods, coffee culture, beans, social aspects of coffee, and deep thoughts in general. – The Coffee Drinking Diva Ah, coffee. That…