Mountain Phoenix Salida
Coffee Roasting,  Coffee Shop Reviews

Mountain Phoenix Coffee Shop — the Aztec Mocha will change your life…or at least clear your throat

Mountain Phoenix Coffee Shop and Roastery
Salida, CO

Wall Mural Mountain Phoenix Coffee
Wall Mural Mountain Phoenix Coffee

One of the fun things about taking a road trip is that it presents new opportunities to explore and find unique, independent coffee shops along the way. After a relaxing trip with the family to Crested Butte, Colorado over Thanksgiving, we made our way back to the Denver area by way of Monarch Pass which took us past Salida and Buena Vista (pronounced Byoona Vista by locals). I had a hankering for some java after the fun twisties over the pass, and the kid was starting up again with the “how much longer until we get there?” refrain, so as soon as I regained my cell reception, I began searching for a local place to stop. The reviews for Mountain Phoenix Coffee Shop were excellent and it wasn’t too far off course for our return home. We all agreed a little diversion toward Salida was in order. 

First Impressions

View from the road, approaching from the west.

The shop has a handful of parking spaces out front, but there were plenty available mid-day on a Saturday. As we entered, it looked like there is parking out back as well since the back door was open to what appeared to be an alternate entrance with some outdoor seating. The cafe was bright and sunny thanks to the afternoon sun and was filled with positive energy. There are displays of local art including landscape photography for purchase, which caught the attention of Mr. Diva. I should also mention that the bathrooms were spotless and we were glad to have a comfortable and clean place to have a quick bio break as well. Extra bonus points to Mountain Phoenix for including free feminine products in the ladies’ room.

Menu & Mochas

Mountain Phoenix Coffee Menu
Mountain Phoenix Coffee Menu

Espresso beverages are the main focus of the menu, as well as offering drip, cold brew, chai, and other tea options. I didn’t see pour overs listed, but I can’t blame them since it’s a small place with only one barista on the day we were there. Pour overs are an art form and take time and attention away from cashiering and making other drinks. Being a café mocha lover myself, I was delighted to see that they had a menu dedicated solely to specialty mochas. I had been considering a cup of drip to keep things simple, but the options enticed me to try something new and unexpected. While I am not at all a spicy food lover, I just had to go out on a limb and try the Aztec Mocha made with Mexican chocolate and cayenne pepper. The presentation was simply delightful, as the latte art was perfect and the sheen on the milk made it obvious that this was made just the way I like it. The entertaining reaction of my throat once the cayenne in the mocha hit it was kind of fun. Honestly, I wasn’t sure what I expected, but this helped keep me energized for the 2 ½ hour drive back. My 6 yr old even said it wasn’t bad at all (methinks he didn’t really take a full sip) because he has to prove how cool he is at trying spicy things. 

Aztec Mocha
Behold the Aztec Mocha.

To give you a little background on what my tastes are as far as mochas go, I prefer to have a dry mocha, although still with a bit of sweetness. I think it’s important to balance the chocolate with the sweetness. Many times you get a chain coffee place’s mocha and it is so sweet that it’s just way too much — like syrupy sweetness. It overshadows the chocolate and the espresso. The mocha from Mountain Phoenix was just right. The temperature wasn’t ridiculously high, so I know the milk was cared for and likely coaxed gently into microfoam instead of being quickly forced with full-bore intensity into a 180 degree+ cup of over-steamed milk with the flames of hell still visible around it. Okay, okay, a bit of drama there (I know many who love their 180 degree lattes, but sticking closer to 155 is more my preference). 

Food Options

In terms of food options, the pastry case looked like it had been popular that day, however, we found a few delicious options to try. We took a strawberry and cream cheese pastry and a chocolate croissant for the road. The gal in front of me in line also opted for a strawberry cream cheese pastry, so they must have a reputation for being good. We really enjoyed the treats as we hit the road back to Denver. 


Buy a bag of beans for the road.

I must also mention that Mountain Phoenix Coffee Shop was previously known as Sacred Ground Coffee, but after an April 2021 relaunch, the new name is now in sync with Mountain Phoenix Coffee Roastery which operates just a block up the street from the café. They focus exclusively on Fair Trade, Organic beans. This means you can also get bags of whole bean coffee for $13.95 for a pound or $6.98 for a half-pound when you stop by the café. I was in need of some decaf for the late-afternoon-survival pour over habit I recently developed, so I grabbed a bag of medium roast decaf from Guatemala. I have already been enjoying it since returning home. Check out their website if you’d like to try some yourself but you live out of state. 

Stop by for a Visit

If you find yourself driving along Highway 285 near Salida, Colorado, do yourself a favor and take a little detour to visit Mountain Phoenix Coffee Shop. It is a special place for coffee. You’ll be treated well and the beverage you select will be crafted to your liking. Plus, it’s always great to support local roasters and coffee shops whenever you can. I highly recommend the detour…and the Aztec mocha if you think you’re “diva” enough for the challenge. 

Mountain Phoenix Coffee Shop
216 W Rainbow Blvd
Salida, CO 81201
Facebook Page
Website & Online Ordering

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