
Ramblings about life and coffee

  • Ramblings

    The Coffee Drinking Diva is Tired

    Okay, so it's confession time. I have a day job. I work full-time and my job has been very demanding lately. When you combine that with long days, a cute 6 year old that needs my attention, dogs that need treats and scratches during the day, a husband that I…

  • Ramblings

    What Your Coffee Drink of Choice Says About You

    Just had to share this today. As I was trying to convey this over the phone with my hubs, I found myself laughing too hard to speak clearly. Thinking on the fact that my last post was about cold brew made me especially giggly. I hope you enjoy it as…

  • Coffee Gear,  Ramblings,  Types of Coffee

    My Foray into Cold Brew

    I remember meeting one of my dear friends a few years ago at a Starbucks near her house (this was back before there were many independent options in the area where she lived). She is a teacher who subsists on a diet of caffeine and the drama of middle schoolers.…