About the Coffee Drinking Diva

The Coffee Drinking Diva

A Colorado almost-native, the Coffee Drinking Diva started out as an occasional drip coffee drinker during college in Boulder, which soon expanded to espresso drinks, coffee houses, after-dinner French roast, and eventually a wicked venti mocha habit while living in Seattle. Being a diva, she was also pursuing her singing career. Singing jazz, working as a digital music editor, and doing musical theater led to even more love for coffee and coffee culture, as she had moved to Seattle to pursue her dreams after college. Starbucks was starting to take over the world at this point when the dotcom bust hit followed by an earthquake…all helping with the decision to move back home to Colorado. Soon after, she returned to singing opera and sang in numerous productions with Opera Colorado. Before many of the long rehearsals and late-night performances, she’d swing in to Backstage Coffee to grab a latte or a soy chai (shh…don’t mention that to anyone in the coffee world) to get a little energy boost. 

Coffee, indeed, is a huge part of life for the Coffee Drinking Diva.

Coffee had become a ritual over which to share social experiences, get through an early start at her “day job” in IT, and her interest grew as the coffee culture in Denver blossomed. Eventually, she began to learn more about brewing at home when she and her husband invested in a Rancilio Silvia. A deeper love for coffee and pulling the perfect shot of espresso followed. She went back to Seattle to take a barista class and revisit one of the best coffee cities in the United States. The pursuit of the perfect latte followed, but the daily time investment in a single boiler manual espresso machine started to wear on her. Plus, she decided to hang up her opera diva title (at least for the time being) in 2016 after becoming a mom and working full-time in IT. 

When the pandemic hit in 2020, the coffee habit took a big turn. Working from home while managing a kiddo required more than a double shot latte could provide, so alas, The Diva and her hubby turned to a pour-over style machine. The larger quantity of that sweet sweet java paired with more caffeine per cup was just what pandemic life demanded. Come summer 2021, cold brew was also a regular option on the menu, but there will be more on that later. For now, coffee has gotten our diva through more than a decade of adventures, parenting, late-night software issues, and early mornings on little sleep. Coffee, indeed, is a huge part of life for the Coffee Drinking Diva.